Skin Deep: A Brand Transformation for an Ohio Dermatologist
brand identity • website design
Tandem was asked by renowned Ohio Dermatologist, Michael Conroy, M.D.  to develop a brand and website for his new physician-owned practice. He was leaving a large, national practice to start his own with four central Ohio locations.
The Challenge
Dr. Conroy had a clear vision of his new brand: create a brand that highlighted the local feel, expertise of the practice, and focus on pure dermatology. Our challenge: create a brand identity that mirrored his vision.

The Result
The new name was OhioDERM. We created a logo family that was eye-catching, modern, and true to his vision. The brand would need a fairly extensive family of logos to be used across signage, website, apparel, marketing, and office materials. Once the brand identity was created we moved on to the website design and development.  The goal: design a website that resulted in a great first impression this practice deserved and led patients to schedule an appointment.  We wanted the practice to feel professional, and highly capable, but also friendly and fun. Dr Conroy and team prides itself on providing an amazing patient experience. Check out the new website at!

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